
韩柯(1929.12—)原名韩学纯,福建诏安人。擅长油画、版画。1946年苏州美专西画系学习,后入国立北平艺专油画系。1949年后历任志愿军摄影记者,解放军炮兵文化部创作员。版画《英雄岛组画》第三届全军美展获奖。作品有油画《黄洋界保卫战》、《强渡琼州海峡》等。 简历 先是师从著名画家沈锡纯先生,后到北平艺专,拜徐悲鸿先生为师。徐先生曾经给他写了12封信,加上徐先生临终前口述,廖静文先生笔录的那封是13封,为徐先生通信最多的学生。韩柯先生当过战地记者,去了朝鲜战争和炮轰金门现场,画下许多感人的场面。与徐先生不同的是,韩先生似乎生不逢时,大部分时间浪费在政治风暴中,只能奉旨填画。1946年就读于苏州美专,1947年进国立北平艺术专科学校(中央美术学院前身)学习,得徐悲鸿、董希文等大家悉心指导。1949年后历任志愿军摄影记者,解放军炮兵文化部创作员等。1956年开始为中国军事博物馆创作了一批重大军史题材的优秀作品。而后,历经名山大川,写生作画,作品频丰。其风格典雅、凝重、静穆、清新。油画《金玉姬》(合作)由周恩来总理赠送给朝鲜金日成主席。其作品多次参加全国美展和中国人民志愿军赴朝作战35周年美展并获总政文化部优秀作品奖。画作多次入藏中国美术馆、中国人民军事历史博物馆及诸多博物馆。(如:1956年的《辽河渡口》、1959年的《踏破辽河千里雪》、1961年的《炮击金门》(合作)、1964年的《边寨清晨》、《英雄岛》、1977年的《黄洋界上》、《向前!向前!向前!......》、《黄继光》、1988年的《漓江情》等)。
主要作品: 1956-1957年,创作油画《辽河渡口》参加中国人民解放军建军30周年全国美展。(军事博物馆收藏) 1958-1959年,调军事博物馆创作室,为筹备军博创作军史画,完成了《踏破辽河千里雪》、《安玉姬》(军事博物馆收藏) 1960年,和彭彬、何孔德合作,共同完成了《炮击金门》(1961年全国美展展出,军事博物馆收藏) 1960年和高虹一起前往湖南浏阳采访“秋收起义”有关资料,回京后由高虹、彭彬、何孔德、韩柯合作《毛主席在文家市》(军事博物馆收藏) 1961年,重画《安玉姬》周恩来总理选作国家礼品赠送给朝鲜金日成主席。 1962年,福建前线备战,和高虹、黄胄、刘仑、华克雄等同志一起深入福建前线采访,回京后举办了“福建前线写生展”。 1963-1964年,完成了油画《边寨清晨》、《支援》和版画《英雄岛》组画,1964年在全军美展展出,《英雄岛》获总政治部优秀作品奖(中国美术馆收藏) 1965年派往越南北方写生。 1975-1977年,多次到井冈山采访。1977年完成油画《黄洋界上》在1977年,建军50周年美展展出(炮兵指挥学院军史馆收藏) 1980年,完成油画《黄继光》(军事博物馆收藏) 1981年,完成油画《从此琼州非天险—解放海南岛》1981年中国共产党建党60周年美展展出(炮兵指挥学院军史馆收藏) 1982年,完成油画《向前、向前、向前······》建军55周年美展展出(炮兵指挥学院军史馆收藏) 1983年离休,转而对风景画的探索,完成油画作品《桦林深处》《漓江情》(中国美术馆收藏)
Han Ke (1929.12, ) original name Han Xuechun, fujian instructs bring a person. Be good at canvas, woodcut. Suzhou beauty drew department study on the west only 1946, make the same score into national north after art only canvas is. Press photographer of people who volunteer to fight in another country is had successively held the posts of after 1949, the member that ministry of culture of liberation army artillerist is created. Woodcut " heroic island group is drawn " beauty of the 3rd horse and foot exhibits bear the palm. Work has oil painting " yellow foreign group guards battle " , " channel of city of fight one's way across a river fining jade " etc. Resume is division first from famous artist Mr Shen Xichun, make the same score to north after art only, do obeisance to Mr Xu Beihong to be division. Mr Xu once wrote 12 letters to him, add Xu before the gentleman is mortal nuncupative, gentleman of Liao Jing article notes that is 13, for the student with Mr Xu most communication. Mr Han Ke should cross war correspondent, went Korea war and spot of cannon golden gate, the picture leaves a lot of touching scene. What differ with Mr Xu is, when Mr Han is born not to meet it seems that, the waste between greater part time-sharing is in political storm, can act according to aim to write a picture only. Read beauty of Yu Su city 1946 only, made the same score artistic schools into national north 1947 (predecessor of central academy of fine arts) study, get the everybody such as Xu Beihong, Dong Xiwen to coach wholeheartedly. Press photographer of people who volunteer to fight in another country is had successively held the posts of after 1949, the member that ministry of culture of liberation army artillerist is created. Began to create a batch of outstanding work that weigh subject matter of main forces history for museum of Chinese military affairs 1956. After that, all previous classics famous mountains and great rivers, paint from life makes a picture, work frequency abundant. Its style elegance, dignified, solemn and quiet, pure and fresh. Canvas " treasures female singer " (collaboration) You Zhouen comes the premier gives Korea Chairman Jin Richeng. Its work enters the throughout the country for many times the United States is exhibited and Chinese people people who volunteer to fight in another country goes to face to fight 35 years to the United States is exhibited and be obtained always politics culture ministry is outstanding work reward. Draw museum of history of war of people of art gallery of the China that enter Tibet, China and a lot of museum. (be like: 1956 " distant river crossing " , 1959 " step snow of a thousand li of broken distant river " , 1961 " bombard golden gate " (collaboration) , 1964 " early morning of edge stockaded village " , " heroic island " , 1977 " on Huang Yang bound " , " forward! Be forward! Be forward! . . . . . . " , " Huang Jiguang " , 1988 " Li river affection " wait) .
After retiring 1983, lived 3 years or so in British London early or late, created the scenery work of a few Europe.
Individual art exhibition was held in British London 1991, Chinese Taipei held individual art exhibition 1992. Publish an album of paintings for many times.
Main work: 1956-1957 year, creation canvas " distant river crossing " attend a the Chinese People's Liberation Army to found an army 30 years countrywide beauty is exhibited. (Martial museum is collected) 1958-1959 year, move room of martial museum creation, to prepare army rich creation army Shi Hua, finished " step snow of a thousand li of broken distant river " , " An Yuji " (martial museum is collected) 1960, he Pengbin, He Kongde cooperates, finished jointly " bombard golden gate " (countrywide beauty was exhibited 1961 showpiece, martial museum is collected) headed for Hunan clear this world to interview together with Gao Hong 1960 " autumn harvest uprises " concerned data, the You Gaohong after answering Beijing, Peng Bin, He Kongde, Han Ke cooperates " Chairman Mao is in article home town " (martial museum is collected) 1961, repaint " An Yuji " Zhou En comes the premier chooses national gift to give Korea Chairman Jin Richeng. 1962, fujian front prepares for war, front of a thorough Fujian interviews the comrade such as He Gaohong, Huang Zhou, Liu Lun, Hua Kexiong, after answering Beijing, held " Fujian front paint from life is exhibited " . 1963-1964 year, finished canvas " early morning of edge stockaded village " , " assist " with woodcut " heroic island " group picture, exhibited in beauty of horse and foot 1964 showpiece, " heroic island " obtain the General Political Department outstanding work reward (Chinese art gallery is collected) sent paint from life of past Vietnam north 1965. 1975-1977 year, interview to the Jinggang Mountains for many times. Finished canvas 1977 " on yellow foreign group " 1977, found an army 50 years the United States is exhibited showpiece (artillerist directs academic army history house is collected) 1980, the canvas that finish " Huang Jiguang " (martial museum is collected) 1981, the canvas that finish " fine jade the city is not natural barrier from now on, emancipatory Hainan island " 60 years of beauty exhibited Chinese Communist found a party 1981 showpiece (artillerist directs academic army history house is collected) 1982, the canvas that finish " · of · of · of · of · of forward, forward, forward · " found an army 55 years the United States is exhibited showpiece (artillerist directs academic army history house is collected) retired 1983, turn and the exploration to landscape, work of the canvas that finish " in birch forest " " Li river affection " (Chinese art gallery is collected)