史世奇,号卧云,另号布福,字小怿,男,汉族,1941年出生。烟台市福山区人。大专学历,副研究馆员,现任山东省文史馆馆员。曾历任威海市文物店总经理中国王羲之基金会理事、王羲之研究会研究员、中日韩书法研究会副会长、中国民盟盟员、大庆市和威海市政协委员。 史世奇先生幼承家教、刻苦学习、求学诸家,后拜启功先生为师,专心研究先生书体,深得真传,精获技法。其字用笔刚劲,结体秀美、章法严谨、一丝不苟。1991年,在中国国家博物馆举办了为期一周的“史世奇书法展”,篆、隶、楷、行、草,五体精品120余幅。受到华国锋、楚图南、彭冲、王任重、张爱萍、王光英、何正文、赵朴初、傅杰、刘开渠、刘久庵、史树青、李铎、刘炳森等六十几位领导人和有关专家的亲笔题字和高度评价。李铎为书展撰写前言,启老为书展题字并评题《青胜于蓝,下学上达》以示鼓励。已故鉴定大家刘久庵老先生为其书展赞题“世奇同志深研书法,颇得启老元白先生用笔,真可谓形神兼得者也,不胜钦佩敬福”。全国文物鉴定委员会副主任史树青先生题曰:“史世奇同志是启元白老师的学生,书法得到元白先生的首肯”。其作品在国内外报刊皆有发表,多次参评获奖,并被中国国家博物馆、人民大会堂、中南海、毛泽东纪念堂以及海内外许多著名人士收藏。中国翰园碑林、黄河碑林等还把他的作品刻成石碑,流芳后人。

史世奇在创作书法上,天道酬勤,虽年近古稀,但史世奇先生鹤发童颜,身体硬朗,精神饱满,言谈均是率真之语。时常流露出澎湃的激情。他说自幼家教甚严,日日勤学苦练,直到现在,还保持着每天早晨五点之前起床练字的习惯 。

Shi Shiqi, No. woyun, No. Bufu, No. Xiaoyi, male, Han nationality, born in 1941. From Fushan District, Yantai city. Junior college degree, associate research librarian, current Shandong Provincial literature and history librarian. He has successively served as the general manager of Weihai cultural relics store, director of China Wang Xizhi foundation, researcher of Wang Xizhi Research Association, vice president of China Japan South Korea Calligraphy Research Association, ally of China Democratic League, member of CPPCC of Daqing city and Weihai City. Mr. Shi Shiqi inherited his family's education, studied hard and studied hard. Later, he took Mr. Qigong as his teacher and focused on his calligraphy style. He got the true biography and skills. Its characters are vigorous, beautiful, precise and meticulous. In 1991, a week-long "Shiqi calligraphy exhibition" was held in the National Museum of China. There are more than 120 fine five body works, including seal, Li, Kai, Xing and Cao. By Hua Guofeng, Chu Tunan, Peng Chong, Wang Renzhong, Zhang Aiping, Wang Guangying, he Jianwen, Zhao Puchu, Fu Jie, Liu Kaiqu, Liu Jiuan, Shi Shuqing, Li duo, Liu Bingsen and other sixty leaders and experts personally inscribed and highly praised. Li duo wrote a foreword for the book fair, Qi Lao wrote a inscription for the book fair and commented on the title "green is better than blue, learning is better than blue" to encourage. Mr. Liu Jiuan, the late appraisal expert, praised the title of his book exhibition: "Comrade Shiqi deeply studied calligraphy, which was quite enlightening for Mr. Yuanbai to use his pen. It can be said that he has both the form and the spirit, and is very admired and respected.". Mr. Shi Shuqing, deputy director of the National Commission for cultural relics appraisal, said: "Comrade Shi Shiqi is a student of Mr. Qi Yuanbai, and calligraphy is approved by Mr. Yuan Bai.". His works have been published in newspapers and magazines at home and abroad. He has won many awards and has been collected by the National Museum of China, the Great Hall of the people, Zhongnanhai, Mao Zedong Memorial Hall and many famous people at home and abroad. The forest of Steles in Hanyuan, Yellow River and other places in China also carved his works into steles for later generations.
Shi Shiqi's writing and calligraphy are based on the principle of nature and diligence. Although he is a rare man, Mr. Shi Shiqi has a bright head and a young face, a strong body and a full spirit. His speech is frank. It always shows great passion. He said that since he was a child, he had strict family education and worked hard every day. Up to now, he still keeps the habit of getting up before five o'clock in the morning to practice calligraphy.
Because he is a good writer, his parents are very strict with him. When I was a child, I was often beaten with chopsticks by my father because of my untidy homework, and I gradually developed a rigorous attitude. From primary school to middle school, students use pencils and pencils, but he always uses a brush. During the "Cultural Revolution", when other people stopped classes and made a revolution, he used a brush to copy Chairman Mao's quotations to practice calligraphy, laying a very deep foundation in calligraphy. Over time, Shi Shiqi gradually realized the splendor of the world of calligraphy and began to be obsessed with the art of calligraphy with the fragrance of calligraphy. He seldom posted famous posts and turned his eyes to the calligraphers to find their own fonts.
Mr. Shi Shiqi is also a cultural relic appraiser. In the collection and appraisal of cultural relics, some of his major discoveries and research results are recognized by the state. In 1983, in the general survey of cultural relics, Mr. Shi Shiqi found two sleeve volumes of silkworm weaving picture of Song people and drunken return of yaochi of Yuan people, both of which were designated as the first-class cultural relics by the state. Among them, "silkworm weaving map" is recognized as the first-class cultural relic and the first-class cultural relic by the state; his "on the silkworm weaving map" was published in the National Journal, which has a high reference value for further research on the development process of sericulture and silk weaving in the Southern Song Dynasty. In 1992, Mr. Shi Shiqi found that the pages of a dream of Red Mansions in the Qing Dynasty were precisely painted, which was regarded as the sole source of the country by the experts of Red Mansions, and wrote a postscript for it. Mr. Zhou Ruchang, a famous scholar of Red Mansions, published a signed article on the title of "a good painting of Red Mansions" in Beijing Daily, which fully affirmed Mr. Shi's discovery, which made an important contribution to the study of Red Mansions. Mr. Shi Shiqi is modest in his study and charitable in his conduct. He widely learned famous pens and cultural relics, studied history and appreciated cultural relics, published many papers in newspapers, such as "a brief introduction to Ming inkstone", "a brief introduction to pottery", etc.; he actively participated in the calligraphy and painting exhibition, Pen Club and other fellowship activities and charity donation activities organized by the NLD, striving for honor for the NLD. In support of the earthquake relief activities, he was rated as the advanced individual of Weihai City and made contributions to the society.