Wei Zhiren (1942.11, ) . Guangxi Nanning person. Be good at canvas, traditional Chinese painting, woodcut. Was graduated from attached middle school of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard 1961, was graduated from department of woodcut of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1966. Have successively held the posts of beauty of city of the member that literary creation room creates Hainan, Nanning assist vice-chairman, the deputy curator of house of art of masses of Guangxi Nanning city, deputy member that study a house. Chinese artist academician. It is painter of brigade beautiful profession now, , chief inspector of art of research center of American Boyi art, brazil " Atelieverde " compere, dean of imperial art academy of friendship of China and foreign countries, e Zhongyou assist art of culture education foundation is advisory, international China painting and calligraphy promotes meeting adviser. Work has " epidemic prevention team is in a country " , " the uncle stays in my home " , " the horse carries cure of make one's rounds on the back " etc.
Work is in home by Chinese Guangzhou art gallery, tianjin art museum, sichuan artist association, the many professional units such as Guangdong artist association and Brazilian Suzanno municipal government, saoPaulo TV station, city seat of government, the country such as culture center and United States, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Spain culture art orgnaization, high official and collector are collected. TV station long-term lot arranges a sale. The quality as a result of work, style and all sorts of elements, work is provided extremely collect value.
Because academic accomplishment is taller, reason is institute of art of Paul of holy Paul university, emperor to hire for the visiting professor, hold the position of newspaper of holy Paul art and the commissioner of many artistic organizations, a little artistic even mass organizations still makes the game with Wei Zhiren's name top prize. Brazilian print shop did special honor to display for Wei Zhiren's work. Since 1991, had taught hundreds foreign country of more than 10 countries the student, a lot of students are local painter.
Used full the Amazon catchment of groove guard and South America experiences the Yindian of North America of development of a year of time the life, experience a lot of imprinting the thing that install secret, culture made the nation that just differs the thing study quite, created a batch of report to imprint the work of still work.
Many more domestic and international TV station and the press had made a special report, or the Zhi Ren that ask Wei goes discoursing on an academic subject.