Wei Zhenzhong, male, was born at Guangxi laurel to make the same score Shang Detang 1940. Was graduated from attached middle school of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1960, was graduated from department of sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1965. Fasten associate professor, Master for sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts now association of artist of province of academician of sculpture of academician of artist of committee member of committee of sculptural of city of unripe adviser, Guangzhou, China, China, Guangdong the 5th, 6, 7 director. Sculpture of academy of fine arts of vice-president of attached middle school of academy of fine arts of Ceng Ren Guangzhou, Guangzhou fastens a vice director.
Publish: " collect of the woodcarving in Weizhen " , " Russia sculpture " , " Russia cemetery sculpture " , " French cemetery sculpture " ;