
1994年创作《四时八景》入选第八届全国美术作品展 。
1996年于中国美术学院展览馆举办首次个人画展, 并获成功。
1999年创作《栖禽涤露图》入选第九届全国美展获全国优秀作品奖、 浙江省铜奖。
2000年创作《瑞雪兆丰年》参加浙江省中青年花鸟画展并 担任本次美展评委。

Beijing person, word Yi huge rock, date empty, alias host of half beans fast, tell room of bank, one , Fu sincering feeling advocate. Was graduated from Chinese academy of fine arts 1994 (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) traditional Chinese painting fastens major of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style and stay school teach, fasten an associate professor for traditional Chinese painting of Chinese academy of fine arts now, graduate student adviser, traditional Chinese painting is reading a doctor in
The paper reachs composing:
" Chinese painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is drawn " Jiangxi 21 centuries press " the glamour that Chinese Shuimo painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws " (Japanese edition) Japanese Tokyo Dou Lou is full a finite meeting company " part of law of ability of past dynasties a person of academic or artistic distinction comes together " (flowers coils. ) " plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo brushwork " Anhui art publishing house " part of law of high-quality goods of picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Chinese past dynasties " Shandong art publishing house " Bian Shiping records inkstone " the paper is published at " new art " 2000 the 2nd period; " Wu is new.
Work enters make up:
" Chinese traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail is drawn now " , " Chinese contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is drawn " (Henan) " drawing from nature of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style stalks of grain " (Hubei) " Chinese contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws complete works " (Heibei) " collect of high-quality goods of a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now " (Anhui)
Have successively held the posts of reach currently hold the post ofa post:
Assumed post of vice-chairman of director of office of student union of Chinese academy of fine arts, student union to 1993 Ceng Xian hind 1990.
Held group of Chinese academy of fine arts part-time 1996 appoint vice secretary.
Held the post of committee member of union of Hangzhou city youth up to now 1998.
Held the post of adult of Chinese academy of fine arts to teach assistant of branch department dean 1999, educational administration director, learn controller of family staff room.
Held the post of adult of Chinese academy of fine arts to teach academic assistant dean up to now 2002. Ceng Jian holds the post of deputy secretary-general of association of painter of Zhejiang China painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style.
Rising 2004 draw professional associate professor for painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of China of Chinese academy of fine arts.
Fastened adviser of Master graduate student for traditional Chinese painting of Chinese academy of fine arts now 2005.