Duan Xi, " Yunnan daily " director of association of artist of province of chairman editor, Yunnan, unripe 1946 Yu Yunna is old.
20 centuries are published since 70 time " we love to learn as a child " , " sunflower Xiang Taiyang " wait for many year of door picture, comic and bear the palm.
Publication monograph " Yunnan art 50 years " " appreciate of comic of 50 years of high-quality goods " wait for work, chief editor " collect of literary sketch of newspaper of Chinese minority area comes together " , authorized " little heavy colour draws a tutorial " etc.
Paper of art work, art is in early or late " economic daily " , " bright daily " , " Chinese youth signs up for " wait for the whole nation tens of planting publish on newspaper, journal.
The author makes art and art comment, once had published the monograph that a few concerned art, art comments on, publish " the train 1910 " the first article art that is the Yunnan that mirrors another name for Yunnan Province to jump over railroad directly and even whole nation kind books.