

Zong Mohua, be born at Tianjin, be graduated from Tianjin craft beautiful courtyard, it is Chinese artist academician now, committee member of art of academy of art of folk-custom of director of institute of Chinese fan art, China waits. Senior art reads and edit. By income " blue book of Chinese contemporary artist " , " dictionary of Chinese artist academician " wait.
Art work ever attended beauty of first popular science of countrywide to exhibit, the 3rd, 4, New Year picture of 5 whole nations is exhibited, the 6th, beauty of 7 whole nations exhibits beauty of class of the city that reach a province, and for many times bear the palm.
100 art work is published by publishing house of countrywide much home, publish have " Zong Mohua draws a tiger " , " law of ability of art famous expert talks about law of ability of tiger of · traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail now " , " tiger of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail learning a picture " , " develop faces tiger of · of model for painting of tiger of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail " , " tiger of · of law of ability of new class strokes " . Work is collected a variety of large picture collect are published at professional magazine, newspaper; The TV station ever made special subject program introduce its to draw tiger art.
Hold art exhibition for many times, exhibit, couplet is exhibited and score very great success. " tiger " series work gets the favour of global connoisseur and collector, by the country such as the United States, Japan, Singapore and Chinese Hong Kong. Taiwan area connoisseur is collected.