Xu Guangdi, male, chongqing city person. Be graduated from Sichuan academy of fine arts. Chinese artist academician. Former Ren Panzhi spends imperial art academy division of 2 class art and associate professor of faculty of art of Chongqing education institute. It is professor of college of art of Chengdu nation university now, courtyard learning committee pays a director. Canvas work attends China more than 10 times to feel early or late beauty of the 9th bound is exhibited, beauty of the 8th bound exhibits China outstanding work is exhibited, art of canvas of first China oily art exhibition, China is exhibited, China of the 3rd bound is oily art exhibition, souvenir " speech " countrywide beauty. Ever obtained countrywide beauty twice to exhibit outstanding work reward. Obtain Sichuan to save first Ba Shuwen art award is second-class award. Obtain Sichuan more than 10 times to save outstanding work reward, obtain Sichuan twice to save ethical beauty to exhibit first prize. Judged 1993 have outstanding contribution expert for kapok city. Won title of Chongqing city outstanding teacher 2000. 2004 canvas " the gift of the earth " and " working man start off " win money award of culture of population of dozenth bound China respectively award and silver-colored award.