Yang Yuncheng, was born at Sichuan Chengdu 1943 double stream. Chinese artist academician, double shed literary art group union vice-chairman, double stream artist association chairman, double shed courtyard of painting and calligraphy of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference character of imperial art academy of international of advisory, Hong Kong draws art of imperial art academy of China of assistant dean, Bangkok art appoint meeting vice-chairman.
Work is come to by the Chinese artistic academy, Nanhai in Beijing, Zhou En former residence displays house, Zhengzhou rise amount to art gallery of China of artistic house, bay city, Japan Lai of house of loose hill art, Holand pauses the domestic and international art such as organizing committee of the 28th university Sinology courtyard, Olympic orgnaization, be regarded as delegacy of culture of Germany of the democracy before gift is given by the government. Work is imprinted by business affairs of people art publishing house, Shanghai tens of homes such as publishing house of art of press of people of book house, Shandong, Henan people press, Sichuan publish an unit to enroll large an album of paintings. Ever held in Chinese Hong Kong, Korea exhibit, publish early or late " Yang Yuncheng plain amorous feelings draws volume on the west " , " Niu Tu of Yang Yuncheng Shui Momu " , " collect of Yang Yuncheng work " (Korea) , " local amorous feelings " (.