肖宗林,号闽西兰芷,水云乡人,一乐居士,圈内人士称“闽西鬼才”。肖宗林先生博学有才气,工诗赋、书法,尤善绘画,精于牡丹、芙蓉、荷、山水,从画之初,他从钻研前人、当代诸多名家书论、画论入手,从而确立自己对中国绘画这门古老艺术的高层次认知。 福建闽西人,中国书画家协会理事,金石画馆副馆长,中原书画院特聘画师,香港国际拍卖有限公司沈阳中心特级画师,福建省美协会员。善书画、工花鸟,擅文学。其作品清丽自然、空灵飘逸,不落流俗,在全国书画赛事中数十次获奖,其作品在广东电视台和南方电视台播出,也在《凤凰周刊》、《广州日报》、《福建日报》、《福建文学》、《世界周刊》(美国)、《书画市场报》、《中国书画艺术报》等刊物刊载发表,人称“闽西鬼才”。
Xiao Zonglin, named Lanzhi of Minxi, is a native of Shuiyun, a resident of Yueju, and a person in the circle is called "the ghost of Minxi". Mr. Xiao Zonglin is knowledgeable and talented. He is good at poetry and calligraphy, especially painting. He is good at peony, lotus, lotus and landscape. At the beginning of painting, he started from studying the calligraphy and painting theories of predecessors and many contemporary famous artists, so as to establish his high-level cognition of the ancient art of Chinese painting. Fujian Minxi people, director of Chinese Calligrapher Association, deputy curator of Jinshi painting Museum, special painter of Zhongyuan calligraphy and Painting Institute, special painter of Shenyang Center of Hong Kong International Auction Co., Ltd., member of Fujian Art Association. Good at painting and calligraphy, flowers and birds, good at literature. His works are beautiful, natural, ethereal and not vulgar. He has won dozens of awards in the national calligraphy and painting competition. His works are broadcast on Guangdong TV station and southern TV station, and published in Phoenix Weekly, Guangzhou Daily, Fujian daily, Fujian literature, world weekly (USA), calligraphy and painting market newspaper, China painting and calligraphy art newspaper and other publications, It's called "Western Fujian ghost".