
喜欢画画。”国画家孙鸿庚如是说。简单的理由,干脆的答复,散淡中带有自信,洋溢着潇洒与希望。这是他一生的追求与享受。 鸿庚是一位题材多样、技法全面的国画家。翻一下名片,某某山水画家,某某花鸟画家,某某人物画家等,我不主张这样分,相对于中国五千年传统文化的博大精深,分开会因小失大,顾此失彼。一个画家的生命状况应该是上下左右顾盼,环环相扣的,专为经,博为纬。鸿庚就把握了艺术的经纬,山水、花鸟、人物均有涉猎,青绿、浅绛、焦墨、重彩亦多为之。

Male, unripe 1970, person of Heibei Xing stage, reside Beijing now, read early or late at Beijing imperial art academy, graduate school of Chinese artistic academy, chinese imperial art academy, the countryman builds a membership in, picture of highway of Chinese water Chinese ink is met vice-chairman · work enters countrywide exhibition for many times, partial work is collected by government and artistic orgnaization · is art gallery of the village on Beijing to be stationed in house painter now.
Like a painting. " Sun Honggeng of home of traditional Chinese painting says so. Simple reason, straightforward answer, medicinal powder weak in contain self-confidence, be permeated with cheesy with the hope. The pursuit that this is his lifetime and enjoy. ? Hong Geng is law of diversity of a subject matter, ability home of comprehensive traditional Chinese painting. Turn over calling card, such-and-such landscape artist, painter of such-and-such painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, so-and-so content painter waits, I do not maintain such branch, the photograph is traditional 5000 to China of culture broad and profound, separate meeting try to save a little but lose a lot, attend to one thing and lose another. The life state of a painter should be fluctuation left and right sides looks around, annulus annulus photograph buckles, it is only classics, bo Weiwei. Hong Geng held artistic classics abb, landscape, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, character all has dabble, viridescence, shallow crimson, Jiao Mo, heavy colour also does it more.
Hong Geng is having good modelling base, this results from he is inchoate learn the experience that draws on the west, also be strictly according to " 5 great melody 3 bedding face " of introduction of still life of sketch, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, then more it is paint from life of scenery of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, canvas. He of one's early years works in one state-owend enterprise, be located in in big hill deep big pool, the life is flat add slow at language appropriate to occasion, the time beyond the job is used on paint job entirely. In order to create melt into division, be opposite every day hill is crazy sit, with Bai Yunqing stone is friend, the youth that local goatherd always can see one is carrying canvas case moves back and forth at group of hill around between. He lifted the home to remove 1994, resident too the stage of Gu Jun Xing below travel foot of a hill, got acquainted with a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Guo Mingtang, Qian Anxin in succession. Hong Geng is modest learn, and by the picture turns on the west traditional Chinese painting. Have " division aid " , together with " essence of life is diligent " , progress is very rapid, he takes Beijing study again later, get the admiration of famous artist Mr Wang Wenfang, the flounder that follow division is 6 dishes of hill, Lanzhou, smooth cool, pull predict be stupefied collect folk songs of and other places of temple, green Tibet, widen the horizon greatly, draw art fine. He still moves back and forth between Yu Qunshan, sketchy habit maintains all the time, have our mate a few times and row, "Natural disposition good Song Bai, devote into canopy " , or to scene depict, or sit alone bemused, or admire view shedding cloud, not from forbidden area happy to dance, or flat lie on stone, say " lie swim " , view and admire to the top of one's bent... father " do-nothing and all without exception is " , Confucius " swim Yu Yi " , land machine " look for of essence of life 8 extremely, the heart swims 10 thousand an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi " be this kind of aesthetic state that suits a purpose again aimlessly probably.
? ? The picture is " breathed poem " , the poem is " phonic picture " . The work of water of bottles of what have bookman flavor extremely with pen, modelling, fill in colors on a sketch, composition of a picture, expression is small Fang Shan of a batch of when before long I see Hong Geng before new creative work, have the interest outside the meaning outside the flavour outside the picture, elephant, scene greatly. Although Hong Geng does not make a poetry, but like inscribe line, the person often lets read the poem that draw an ode when Wen You gets together. The picture although one art, there is a main street in. Song Li becomes entertainment not be an official, yuan Wu Zhonggui does not enter a town, ni Yunlin builds Qing Bige to reside the Shan Ziyi that keep a small stream alone, huang Zijiu a day of run out of rice and fuel, below canopy of beans of leave uncovered abdomen, draw Yu Shan carefreely. The ancients all records division advanced in years, put amount to unruly, hold common record without dirt, reason draws superb work. Hong Geng contains such character it seems that, its landscape painting is in the majority. Watch its to make a picture, "Silent is right element, quiet energy of life of wirh fixed attention, see relative superiority or inferiority, careful left and right sides, inside outside, antecedents outlet, have a well-thought-out plan, immerse next fine long hair of Chinese ink suck " . Such " 5 days draw one water, 10 days draw one hill, what one is particularly good at does not get photograph hurried press " , take advanced courses contented, be able to achieve success one way or another, with writing disposition repose, sweep common bowel, enjoy art, solid belong to god-given.
Below the setting that blends to contemporary transition and culture of Chinese and Western in the tradition, traditional Chinese painting is in in course of this one history nothing more than 3 sort: It is traditionalism person; 2 it is the person that Chinese and Western is united in wedlock; 3 it is base oneself upon at traditional standard, draw lessons from the person that the picture behaves ability way on the west conciously. 3 person need to give arduous effort. Hong Geng is not former undoubtedly. In light of the aesthetic idea that draws oneself with respect to China, how Chinese and Western writtens guarantee the pen and ink that joins work, artistic conception is to solve? Calculate from Lang Shining case up to now 300 years, how many does the enlightenment that brings us have? Hong Geng turns to be drawn for China from western picture, research of with great concentration, from Song Yuanming clear philtrum searchs Shi Fangyou, come-and-go at Guan Tong, Dong Yuan, Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, yuan 4, bright 4 the home, Dong Jichang, stone billows and between 4 king, the bookman spirit that seeking convention of a few China it seems that is propped up as creation.
From the point of artistic configuration and artistic value, hong Geng more incline to at latter, cast off narrative tradition conciously, emphasize subjective colour, abandon to seek the visual experience that its turned purely and mental show to the description of intuitionistic world. To " pen sex " , " Mo Yun " , " mood " , " enjoyable " the mental orientaton that waits a declare publicly a moment behaves the main body that goes up for idea and culture level to choose more, have more obvious self-conscious factor and active color; From the point of noumenon of creation of traditional Chinese painting, an at least of successful home of traditional Chinese painting should have the quality of two respects: It is the knowledge understanding that has development to tradition of traditional Chinese painting, it is the establish of individual style moreover. Although Hong Geng still does not reach the designated position in latter, but the way that can see from his picture its are artistic and outspread, also read painter of a youth to be opposite art of traditional Chinese painting begs spirit assiduously.