Zhang Feng (1955.1- ) , big talk person. Prexy of Hainan university art. Pink is drawn " before going out " the 3rd aquarelle of selected whole nation, pink draws work civilian. Institute of Hainan university art designs a professor, the Master lays a teacher; England Midesasi visiting professor of university art college; Hainan saves the member that degree committee liberal art is comprised; Hainan university art designs key course leader; Chinese artist academician.
Took an examination of department of arts and crafts of Guangzhou academy of fine arts in March 1978, graduated in January 1982 and stay school teach, was judged to be instructor 1986.
Went to Cyprus to study abroad 1988, read university of industry of the gram in Yu Folang heart (FrederickPolytechnicUniversity) is indoor the design is professional. Graduated 1991 and hold a post Yu Sai country pyramid ad firm (PyramidAdvertisingLtd. ) , the post holds illustration painter concurrently for artistic chief inspector.
Went back to the motherland in October 1993 and teach at institute of Hainan university art, held the post of artistic college assistant dean 1994, of the same age is judged to be an associate professor; Held the post of artistic prexy 1998, was judged to be a professor 2000.
2004 as high-level visit the scholar goes to British London, hold the post of a visiting professor Yumidesasi university (MiddlesexUniversity) art institute. Since 2006, in British Nuo the university assiduously studies Hanmute doctor's degree.
Since 1989, hold for many times in Cyprus, Syria, Singapore, England and China early or late art exhibition and discourse on an academic subject. Publication monograph 6, publish paper many.