师从梁鼎铭老师,台北政战学校美术系毕业。 现担任台湾淡江大学艺术中心主任、台湾艺术学院美术系教授、中华两岸文化艺术基金会会长、台湾中国孔学会会长等职。
他善于在连续不停的频繁动作瞬间抓住人物、动物重心的平衡,笔下的动物神态各异,惟妙惟肖,韵味十足。1978年荣获韩国檀国大学终身荣誉教授并授予荣誉文学博士学位,1987年美国旧金山市为表彰他为东西方文化交流作出的贡献,特别宣布11月29日为“李奇茂日”。 李大师幼时入门中国画,他的画雄浑、博大,有力度,有气魄。所画的内容也多为表现北方的题材,例如倔强的山羊和奔腾的马群,尤爱画气势磅 的巨幅大作。作画从不打底稿,抓笔就画,构图大胆,立意深刻。
Celebrated international is famous wash Great Master, person of in relief county of eddy of the Anhui province (today Li Jiazhuang of benefit laborious county) , birth date day: On March 22, 1925, , have successively held the posts of revive country of of head of department of professor of hillock college professor, national artistic college, art, Korea president of academy of big China of blue of baud of college professor, United States, emperor carries on his shoulder or back on the west professor of college of California of college professor, north. It is ethics of Chinese aperture society, China to teach emperor of institutional director, United States to carry on one's shoulder or back now the university is established on the west " Li Jimao teachs artistic foundation " , American san Francisco city is ordered will be Li Jimao day every year on November 29, become China the Republic of China to catch honorary the first person.
Be born at Anhui eddy this world, 9 years old only then the traditional Chinese painting in be used to, college age grinds only canvas, sketch and literary sketch, after 30 years old special aggrandizement at water, Chinese ink apply.
Teacher of inscription of Shi Congliang vessel, art of school of Taipei politics battle fastens graduation. Hold the position of art of university of Taiwan weak river now art of institute of art of central director, Taiwan is culture of two sides of professor, China aperture of China of artistic foundation chairman, Taiwan learns chairman to wait for duty.
He is good at holding the balance of centre of gravity of character, animal in the frequent movement instant that keeps continuously, the animal bearing of the wording and purpose of what one writes each different, lifelike, lasting appeal is very. Had the honor to win Korea 1978 Tan Guoda learns lifelong honor to teach and honor literature doctor's degree, american san Francisco city was 1987 commend he communicates the contribution that make for thing square culture, special announce to will be on November 29 " Li Jimao day " . Plum Great Master young when the traditional Chinese painting in the introduction, his picture vigorous and firm, gain is big, have strength, have breadth of spirit. Draws content also is the subject matter that behaves north more, for example stubborn goat and the Ma Qun that gallop, what love to draw imposing manner pound especially is gigantic a your work. Make a picture never make draft, catch a pen to be drawn, composition of a picture is bold, conception profundity.
Plum the Great Master is good at drawing a horse, art the Ma Qun that judges the home to talk about Li Jimao to draw " the change that always takes instantaneous action ably, resembling is the taste that has a horse is waving medicinal powder, buddha of airy flow Fang is before " , "The station pursues in < herd horse > before, billow soot is blow on the face it seems that and come " .