The horse changes door, was born in Shaanxi Bin county 1928. Be good at sculpture. Was graduated from the northwest art institute at that time to stay 1953 school teach, graduated from training class of sculpture of the academy of fine arts central 1958, teach all the time later at Xi'an academy of fine arts, having successively held the posts of sculpture to fasten is the post such as director, professor.
The horse changes an act vigorously of ground service of a few years of consistent day cultivated, it is an outstanding artistic educationist not only, also be an outstanding sculptor, the sculpture hall that is new China added a lot of precious artistic an excellent work. 1956, in the atmosphere that studies Russia experience, culture ministry invited Russia sculptor · overcomes Nigula Nigulayeweiji centrally beauty courtyard established Linduhuofu sculpture, recruit the instructor that comes from countrywide each district, assistant. The horse changes door it is a among them.
" Laoyang as hired hand in certain trades " it is the horse changes door a inchoate representative work. In this work, the artist already showed a distinctive artistic perspective and outstanding artistic talent. This creates the work 1958, it is the summary that the author learns two many years. Kelinduhuofu has said: "With socialism realistic method is a foundation the creation activity of Russia artist. The artist that responsible help did not arrive advanced and artistic school masters this to invent a method. " be based on this one principle, this Russia expert asks his Chinese students are familiar with the life and bona fide depict lives. So the horse revises the shepherd figure of a country of home town North Shaanxi that behaved him in this work. Kelinduhuofu is to its evaluation: "Belong to custom sculpture, the mission that the author carries is very clear-cut, achieved expectant result completely also. " in 50 time, as a result of the influence of sculpture of the Russia before getting, the result that feeds ocean to be not changed makes a lot of work are having notional tendency, be in same kind of subject matter is medium, the character's trends and prop often are met very much the same. And a when the horse changes a creation " Laoyang as hired hand in certain trades " , did not behave labour beyond to drink water and hand to take the modelling of ear already, the heroism that also does not have monumental type is saved justice setting, chose a daily life setting however. Old shepherd Ren Xie wraps around a fur-lined jacket, lower his head to be being looked attentively at hold the lamb in the bosom in the arms, lean close in the lamb in his bosom, appear to moan in what keep again. The Laoyang that holds his head high by the side of the foot is the mom of the lamb probably, staring at oneself child closely. In whole work, person and sheep formed an organic whole through the line of sight, vivid lifelike, do not fall convention, true system reveals art to originate the spirit of the life.
3 former at right artistically always explores a true artist ceaselessly, of ceaseless enterprising. In the creation after this, the further study that adopts languages of pair of sculpture of Chinese and Western and draw lessons from, the horse changes a ceaseless on artistic language innovation, formed oneself distinctive color gradually. This creates the woodcarving work at 80 time " 3 former at right " , body reveals an author to be in artistic career a giant leap, also showed Chinese contemporary sculptural to cast off outside influence stage by stage, go after the new atmosphere of oneself individual character. Kuomintang patriarch at right, be born at Shaanxi 3 former, ever mixed with bright footing the style of writing of forceful, publicize nationalism progress thought energetically, encourage the people to rise revolution. His follow Sun Zhongshan, support a country to cooperate in all. "The Xi'an Incident " hind, support combination to fight day. During war of resistance against aggression, he and Chinese Communist sincerity cooperate, be by Zhouenlaizan a man of insight inside Kuomintang. Line still is written down to convey yearning native land and the mood that look forward to the motherland to unite when was terminally ill 1964.
Work is different from general realistically sexual head portrait, adopt the enjoyable technique of half abstraction however, score of the character facial, the configuration of the facial and the following transition that passes beard partly and lumber itself blends in an organic whole, of its implied meaning deep, of conception make a person gasp in admiration opportunely. It reflected the distinguishing feature of contemporary sculpture language already, also show the verve with Chinese traditional particular sculptural fully. It may be said is contemporary an excellent work of the rare in sculpture domain