Wang Linyou (1943.1, ) person of the banner after Inner Mongolia Hang Jin. Be good at arena art, beautiful courtyard attached middle school graduates in the center of 1962. Was graduated from beauty of dance of central Thespian institute 1967 is. Have successively held the posts of beauty of dance of courtyard of Beijing opera of courtyard of Chinese Beijing opera, Beijing to design, beauty of one class dance designs central opern. Enjoy a government special allowance. The design has opera " camellia daughter " , " embroider daughter " , " butterfly madam " , " graph Lan Duo " , " Carmen " , " demon flute " , " song celestial being " , " Faust " , " horse but · pineapple " , melodrama " musical instrument bagman " , " a kick in one's gallop " , ballet drama " not acting emperor " , " beautiful magnolia " , puppet show " mermaid " wait, among them " the 100th bride " obtain countrywide dance beauty to design first prize, obtain Chinese children literature outstanding illustration award, operatic " horse but · pineapple " obtain beauty of the 2nd dance to design Wen Hua award. Operatic " Tulanduote " obtain beautiful craft of Prague international dance is honorary 1986 award.