Xu Peng flies (1949.2, ) Jilin Changchun person. Be good at caricature. Began to publish cartoon work on newspapers and periodicals 1978. Currently hold the post ofPeople's Daily company " satirize and humour " seminar of caricature of news of newspaper chief editor, China is standing director. Work " the opinion that raise a point " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit outstanding award; " the time that meets in 6 winters carry " win first prize of caricature of countrywide good news; " aerospace is humorous " obtain Indonesian 1988 a place of strategic importance of section of first international caricature blocks award; " drag out an ignoble existence " the bear the palm on competition of large award of caricature of border of betray one's country is read in the 16th Japan; " authoritative " obtain skill of caricature of the 37th Belgian international award of section copper coronal. Publish have " Xu Peng flying caricature " , " caricature admires an introduction " .