

Jin Yongji is Korea clansman, was born in Jilin 1965, in October 1984 enrollment, took an examination of institute of air force missile 1987, the attune after graduating 1990 works to blue sky press. From now on, he works in blue sky press all the time, hold the position of a military affairs kind books publishs the task.
June 2009, jin Yongji is on the post of president of blue sky press, he shifts working focus, devote oneself to to serve to increase army fighting capacity. For this, blue sky press is on the foundation of editorial office of books of original military affairs, added editorial office of books of two military affairses, established martial books editor to issue a ministry, large quantities of one military affairses kind brand books from this be pregnant with and unripe. Be like " the story of undergraduate soldier " had the honor to win first liberation army to publish award sound to resemble goods and electronic publication 2013 award, publish " affection of leisurely blue sky " be adapted story collect allots an air unit, publish " museum of military affairs of the Chinese People's Liberation Army displays series an album of paintings basically " (10 this) those who be led by martial museum reputably.
In addition, edit with one's own hands by Jin Yongji those who publish " empty Tian Zhujian -- people air man flies and equipment grows on-the-spot record " , will reflect the history with historical data, the type of specific air battle that content involves the aspect such as air defence of face of the aid that fight the United States, land and fight means, a lot of stories are little-known, deserve to have many 2000 picture, graph Wen Bingmao, the clue is vivid. Jin Yongji says: "This book the reviewing that to air force growing history of 60 years and development course undertook summing up type, air force leads a directive to want make it brand. Next, our tentative idea compresses essence of life to make up edition, include contractible book size, allot an air unit, facilitating officers and soldiers is read, know the brilliant history of air force and good way. Know the brilliant history of air force and good way..