80 time are graduated from the century on sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is, sculptor of major of Guangzhou sculpture courtyard is become later. 90 time head for England to take advanced courses, teacher of college of major of university of Chinese of successor Hong Kong, after entering 21 centuries, paintbrush of bring up again, boyhood is opposite add the amour of wash, basically be in now two ground are engaged in harbor of another name for Guangdong Province artistic activity and creation. Work is exhibited greatly in province city national art for many times and in abroad large exhibition selected reach bear the palm; Hold individual work several times to exhibit in Chinese England and Hong Kong respectively; have individual work collect and publish respectively be in " world sculpture complete works " " sculpture of city of 20 centuries China " " now Chinese art " " collect of work of bear the palm of exhibition of work of art of the 9th whole nation " " art " " art signs up for " " medium, get art gallery of Guangzhou of Chinese Olympic committee and domestic and international collector collect.