Zhang Zidong, male, person of Heibei power county, party member of the Communist Party of China. Was graduated from art of institute of liberation army art to fasten woodcut major in July 1993, record of formal schooling of three-year institution of higher learning, attend in a advanced studies fastened 3 atelier at canvas of central academy of fine arts 2001. Total fleet of Beijing of header of projectionist of line of movie of Ceng Ren division, film, armed police stationmaster of 3 division culture. Many work is selected " countrywide eleventh woodcut work is exhibited " , " the 9th art work shows horse and foot " , " found a state 50 years work of art of horse and foot is exhibited " , " celebrate new China to establish work of art of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 60 years to exhibit " , " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 65 years art.